This project was aimed to fill in the gap in the know-how of organizations working with young people from migrant and majority background. During this time, we tried to develop innovative approaches on how these two target groups can be involved in active citizenship. This project was unique in a way as it connected social and environmental organizations and we spent time working together on the topic of refugees and migration - we shared our experiences and methods through transnational meetings, study visits and nonetheless, Skype calls. Our experience is diverse - as we are four organizations from different countries, backgrounds, and national contexts.
We are from Sweden, Slovakia, Austria and Czech Republic. Sweden and Austria are experienced countries with migration and have a variety of programmes and organizations working with migrants. Czech Republic and Slovakia are countries with little immigration experience, but due to aggressive media, a strong political discourse and other factors the public is rather hostile to people from migrant and refugee background and there is a great degree of discrimination towards migrants and refugees, especially to people of muslim background.
So, after more than a year of work, we would like to present our booklet, where we gathered activities, methods and best practices to foster more diverse communities through creative and participatory activities and community events. This booklet is an invitation for each and everyone to use these methods and be part of our New Beginnings! Each of the activities and methods is explained with a Step by Step instruction so that you can easily replicate them!
What will you find in the booklet?
The booklet is the collective work of four organisations, namely Jordens Vänner from Sweden, GLOBAL 2000 from Austria, Mareena from Slovakia and us, from Czech Republic. Each organisation brought a unique perspective to the work with young migrants and refugees. Partners from Austria and Sweden shared activities and methods from the fields of environmental education and climate justice, whereas Mareena and Syreczech offered experiences and ideas from community building.
So, do not hesitate, and download the booklet down below!
So, after more than a year of work, we would like to present our booklet, where we gathered activities, methods and best practices to foster more diverse communities through creative and participatory activities and community events. This booklet is an invitation for each and everyone to use these methods and be part of our New Beginnings! Each of the activities and methods is explained with a Step by Step instruction so that you can easily replicate them!
What will you find in the booklet?
The booklet is the collective work of four organisations, namely Jordens Vänner from Sweden, GLOBAL 2000 from Austria, Mareena from Slovakia and us, from Czech Republic. Each organisation brought a unique perspective to the work with young migrants and refugees. Partners from Austria and Sweden shared activities and methods from the fields of environmental education and climate justice, whereas Mareena and Syreczech offered experiences and ideas from community building.
So, do not hesitate, and download the booklet down below!